Sunday, November 30, 2008


Today is a velcro day. in "everything sticks to me today."

I walk by the kitchen island, and I get stapped in the leg by the corner. That will leave a bruise. I walk by a pile of papers on the end table, and I knock all of them over. Now I have to clean that up. I reach over the desk to pick up a piece of paper and knock over my coffee, spilling it onto my new jeans. Now I can't wear them tomorrow.

Today is a velcro day.


Christine said...

How how fun in here!!!
Thank you so much for stopping by, I really appreciate it.

I read your post, and I'll tell ya, sounded just like my day today!
Everything I touched did NOT turn into sunshine ... but, ya just gotta laugh as you go along .. ya know!

EURA. said...

I know exactly what those days are like!

They're almost as bad as "Soap Days", when everything slips out of your hands.

Anonymous said...

Damn! I missed Velcro Day. Nice blog,I'll be back to check...


Michael Horvath said...

How often does Velcro day happen? Is it something I should have known about earlier in life?

Jes said...

Ha! Velcro day happens once every two weeks or so. Lately more often! Sorry I missed Soap Day...or maybe not. :)

Thanks guys!

Tikno said...

It's interesting to knows that there are "Velcro day". Because in Indonesia, my country, I never heard about it.

Greetings to all of you here.